Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mixed Media on Arches Cover Paper
14" x14"
(framed dimensions)
$110.00 plus $20.00 shipping
(see Purchasing Info on the sidebar)

This painting is from one of the many broad reference photos I took of the crowd at this year's Common Ground Fair.  In it, I happened to capture this fleeting, yet tender moment.  I love when that happens.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Perfect Pairing
Mixed Media on Arches Cover Paper
13" x 11"

This painting served as the image for the invitation to my first
Fine Art ~ Fine Wine
open house/studio 
held on October 15, 2011.
Scroll on to see more...

The event was held at our home in Lebanon, Maine.
I provided the art while Richard and Anita Carle, proprietors of Prospect Hill Winery in Lebanon, offered a sampling of their fine wines.  

Inside, friends and family gathered for some good conversation.

Over 100 of my paintings were exhibited throughout our home and my studio.
Guests browsed about stopping to sample the wines along the way...

and enjoy the wonderful array of treats provided by my great pals!

My longtime friend and neighbor, Jane Mulligan, won the Perfect Pairing doorprize.

Everyone was anxious to see whose name would be pulled to win the bottle of Propect Hill red wine.
Congratulations, Bob!

While everyone was dog tired by the end of the evening...

we all agreed it was an event worth celebrating!
My thanks to everyone for making the night such a memorable one!